Huesca temática

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Alfonso II of Aragon

First king of
the Crown of Aragon

     He was born in Huesca March 24 1157. In the Petronila queen's testament, his mother, calls to him Alfonso and points out that her husband called Ramón to him. The documentation of the time confirms that from his birth was designated indistinctly by the two names: Alfonso and Ramón.
      First-born son of Ramón Berenguer IV the Saint -count of Barcelona and from 1137 prince from Aragon and count of Barcelona- and of Petronila, queen of Aragon, he reigned with Alfonso's name in honor to Alfonso I El Batallador his grandfather's brother. When completing the legal age -seven years- to be able to assume the regal dignity, he receives from his mother -the queen Petronila- in 1164, jointly the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona that after the incorporation of the Kingdom of Valencia, and from the last decade of the XIII century, will begin to receive the denomination of Crown of Aragon, although between the XII century and the XIV the most extended expression to refer to the lands and towns of the Aragon Kingdom was that of "Casal d'Aragó".
     He married in Zaragoza with Sancha of Castile and Poland (aunt of Alfonso VIII of Castile) January 18 1174, being 16 years old, to the age that, according to the Canonical Right, a married man reached the age majority. Also, with he was armed gentleman and could act to the front of his Kingdom without the tutorship of the magnates that had exercised from 1162.
     He incorporated to his Kingdom the lands occitanas of Provenza, Rosellón and Pallars Jussà. He signed with his brother-in-law, the Castilian king Alfonso VIII, the treaty of Cazorla in 1179, but years later and by means of the treaty of Huesca (1191), he allied with the kings of León, Portugal and Navarrese against the Castilian hegemony. His son Pedro II happen him in the peninsular possessions. He aided the arts and the norms of the courteous love and himself trained in the poetry, exchanging writings with important minstrels of this time like Giraut of Bornelh.
     Having to choose to be buried in the paternal mausoleum in the Monastery of Ripoll, or to be buried in the married mausoleum of the Monastery of Sigena, he chose the Monastery of Poblet for not to raise suspicions. His testament specifies that, in the event of having conquered Valencia in life, should be buried in Puig (Valencia), place that he had already donated to the monastery of Poblet in February of 1176, a desire expressed also by his son Pedro II of Aragon and also died without completing it.
     Several of the counts of Barcelona from Wifredo el Velloso had been buried in Ripoll, while other they were in another places, among them the monastery of San Pablo del Campo and the cathedrals of Barcelona and Gerona.

     - Pedro II of Aragon, the Catholic (1174 - 1213), king from Aragon, with the name of Pedro II and count of Barcelona, with the name of Pedro I.
     - Constanza (1179 - 1222), married in 1198 with Emerico I of Hungary and in 1210 with Federico II Hohenstaufen, Sacred Germanic Roman Emperor, King of Sicily and King of Jerusalem.
     - Alfonso (1180 - 1209), count of Provenza, with the name of Alfonso II.
      - Leonor (1182 - 1226), married in 1202 with Ramón VI of Tolosa.
      - Sancha (1186 - 1241), married in 1211 with Ramón VII of Tolosa.
     - Sancho, dead when young.
     - Ramón Berenguer, dead when young .
     - Fernando (1190 - 1249), entered as Cistercian monk in the Monastery of Poblet
     - Dulce (1192 -?), entered as nun in the Monastery of Sijena, ending up being commander of San Juan's Order.
     In the testament, Alfonso II prepared that, to his death - happened in Perpiñán April 25 1196 - his territories were distributed among his two children: Pedro, king of Aragon and count of Barcelona (1196-1213), and Alfonso, count of Provenza, Milhau and Gavaldá (1196-1209). With this probate disposition, besides endowing of a domain to his smaller son, the king sanctioned the necessity of Provenza to have an own governor. In 1185, Alfonso II had named count of Provenza to his son Alfonso, minor of age; for that reason, the king took charge the Provencal government to attorneys, as Roger Bernat of Foix (1185-1188), Barral of Marseilles (1188-1192) and Lope Jiménez.

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      King by Aragon and Count by Barcelona, was nicknamed "The Chaste" because were not known children outside of the marriage. He didn't practice the chastity completely, since had children with his wife Sancha of Castile, but that moderation surprised at these times. And moreover Alfonso II aided the arts and norms of the courteous love and himself trained in the troubadour, poetry. At his death, divided the Kingdom among his sons, Pedro and Alfonso

Wikipedia  Manuel Tomé *  Wikipedia
** Manuel Tomé Bosqued

The Aragon Kingdom

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