Huesca temática

Number 112 - September of 2007Spanish language Principal menu

Chibluco village

Likable hillock
to the Salto de Roldán

      Place of the province of Huesca that belongs to the municipality of Loporzano. In 1999 it had 43 inhabitants. Its altitude is of 685 meters on the level of the sea and it's 15 quilómetres from Huesca. The inhabitants are naemd chibluquenses and chiblucanos also.
      On the left margin of the Flumen river, between the Hole of Huesca and the somontano (under mountains lands), Chibluco lives around a square, that is where they are grouped most of the housings, houses of stone and wall, with podium of ashlar masonry. It was path and group of judges of Huesca at successive times. Constituted its City council at 1834, was united to Barluenga two lustrums later, in 1845, and both localities are, at the moment, places of Loporzano. The population of Chibluco always had a diminished census, with a hundred of inhabitants at the best times.
      It depended on the monastery of Montearagón in century XI already. because in March of 1099 Pedro I confirmed to the mentioned monastery the church of Iuvelve, Iebluco. The place appears writing with those orthographic forms. And also Gebluco, in March of 1135, when Ramiro II of Aragón donated to López Garcés the then village. Later simply appears the monastery of Montearagón; the church of Chibluco depended of it, until 1571, in which happened to the bishopric of Huesca.
      It is understood that the parish corresponds with the style Romanesque of the time. It is dedicated to Santa Cecilia and has rectangular plant of a single ship, with semicircular apse. It is covered with vault of tube and quarter of sphere, of century XII. The tower consists of a single body and appears mutilated in its closing.

     The facade of the temple is subsequent to this one; it is opened in arc of half point with voussoirs, in which some figurative graphics are appraised. This door seems to correspond not before with century XVII or XVIII. In the interior emphasize two elaborates chapitels.
      Chibluco appears before the eyes of the traveller in the same access road -today enough improved- tiny, gathered and familiar. While we approached it, at some time -and if the day is cleared- we can surprise with the majesty of the mythical Jump of Roldán that lets see in the horizon its robust “rocks” and the emptiness that exists among its.

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      Even with its small proportions, Chibluco lets see activity. It is that common denominator who saves many small towns -and not so small- of the landslide and abandonment. Masonry works and houses shiningly rehabilitated speak of the use to which they are destined: the summering and week ends that try rest to their proprietors.


Alfonso Zapater. writer consulting  Manuel Tomé Chiblucos's Photographic album * Alfonso ZAPATER
* Manuel Tomé Bosqued

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