Huesca temática

Number 125 - October of 2008Spanish language Principal menu

Aguas village

Sierra of Guara
guards this quiet town

      A place in the county of Huesca, belonging to the municipality of Loporzano. Inhabitants: less than 60. Altitude: 706 meters on the sea level. It's from Huesca 38 kilometers. Gentile: aguasino.
      Aguas depends on the municipality of Loporzano. It ended up counting around 400 inhabitants, at the beginning of the XXth century. At present hardly it has 50. There were 106, according to the census of 1978, and only 50, according to that of 1981. The place was, nevertheless, residence of noble members of the lowest rank of the nobility. The testimony worked in stones can be seen in many fronts, on the wide gateways, with a semicircular arch. As curious fact is necessary to review that in Aguas there was the direction and writing of «Lineages of Aragon», illustrated fortnightly magazine, which was giving complete «historical, genealogical and heraldic critique of the Aragonese families». This magazine was edited in 1914 and had its administration in Saragossa (in the Passage of the Pilar, nº 40).
      Possibly, the place received its baptism across the lineage of the Aguas, family native from France and seated in Aragon since times of Jaime I the Conqueror. In the shield of the Aguas appears a man head put of profile, looking at the right flank, on golden field. The trip for the streets brings the memory of the yesterday in spite of only contemplating the shields emblazed about many buildings. Above, crowning the city center, where there gets up the building of the «public school» -so it was written in a tile- a small rectangular square is opened.
     The Low street starts opposite to the church, from a wide square in slope. It lost its ancient name on May 20, 1984 to be named of Carmelo Betoré Bergua, jot singer. Event promoted by the Friends of the Folklore Altoaragonés (of Upper Aragon), with Rafael Ayerbe Santolaria as lead. The act was highlighted with this jot, in lips of the components of «Baturra Nobility », the very champion folk group that directs the proper Mr. Betoré: "This street that was Low now is Carmelo's street, place of stop and small restaurant of the jot and the jot singer». Carmelo Betoré was born in the same street. His first jots arose from there same, rising up to the Guara summits. Then, walking the time, the "jot singer" would never forget his native village and popularized in Spain and abroad the "Aguas jot".
      The Somontano (Down Mountains) vibrated of emotion and transmitted its beats for the whole surroundings. One can become a prophet in his ground. Aguas has been able to gain itself an honor position in the heart of everyone for the heat that it put in the determination. .

      On top, where the street of Carmelo Betoré ends, there is opened a raised area that does the times of third square of the town, but with less buildings surrounding it and more open space faced up the mountains and the blue firmament. It was where the round of the jot-singers stopped to give life to a singular folkloric holiday
     Aguas turns out to be raised on a soft hillock. From the highway there are two accesses. The one that might be the principal is next to the parochial church, which tower is seen erect between the houses that surrounds it. Another access, is a little further on, next to the cemetery.
      The first impression is that of a calm and quiet little town, although it is true that at the end of the Summer, there is less population, descending -as they say me- to approximately 10 inhabitants that remain in the Winter.
      Near to the church, a spacious and luminous square shaped by houses with a new aspect, receives the visitor. It is the square of Carmelo Betoré Bergua, jot singer native from the place, of whom a neighbor assures me - according to his particular opinion - that never showed that he (Carmelo) was an Aguas native, but of Huesca.
      As in other villages, there are uninhabited, and even abandoned houses. One of them, in the center of the town, is capable of attracting attention of us. It stands out for its soundness, for its "solera" (lot of character), although its conservation state looks like something deficient. They make sure me that it is the house that gave birth to the litle town; that it is a "strong" house, that is in slow rehabilitation period, because its current owners (sons of the primitive owner) live in France and cannot have sufficient time. On the other hand, the economic cost of the progress is very high. The house is robust, solid and big.
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     Aguas commemorates the festivity of Santiago, patron of the parish, and that of San Ramón. But any date is good - and any occasion - to turn a visit to the village and to the landscape.


 Manuel Tomé  Alfonso Zapater  Ver fotografías de este artículo .... *   Alfonso Zapater
** Manuel Tomé Bosqued

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