Huesca temática

Number 186. October-December of 2015 Spanish language Principal menu

"Albero Alto" village

A varied landscape
with predominance of the plain

    A place of the province of Huesca, located the hole of the same name. Inhabitants: 131. Altitude: 442 meters on the sea level. It is from Huesca 13 kilometers. Gentile: alberano
     The Huesca hole (Hoya de Huesca) supplies a multiple landscape and vary, although you predominate the evenness. The mountainous leavings, altered frequently with rocky terrains of gritty earth, never it are too much high, so that do not reach to obstruct the wide panoramic of ochers earthes: the green shows only on the banks of the rivers and irrigation ditches, where want that the water is capable to arrive.
     In spite of that almost all locations of the hole remain next to the capital, Huesca, the population it not beens kept, not already because emigrated to the city. The routes of the emigration are opened, generally, in route towards Catalonia and Saragossa. and that in spite of that the life in these peoples is not hard, although involves a marked and almost exclusive dependence of the agriculture and the cattle.
    Albero Alto does honor to its name, since occupy one of the more high areas of the terrain, with its parochial church height on a rock, around which the houses of the village are grouped. The bell tower is raised solid and defiant, by mastering the landscape in several kilometers around. The rocky hill, the crag, has form circulate and offers us perpendicularly steep.
     Before church went a fort, commented a neighbor. The walls that flanked it are conserved yet. ashlar stone that has served to found later constructions, if not to consolidate the already existent. In other times it was Albero Iuso. The prehistory also offers its testimonies, since in the municipal term found intercede one hundred of axes polished of slate-like stone and several hammers of calcareous stone. All this. corresponding to the neolithic, is keeped in the provincial museum of Huesca. On the other hand, nine tombs led a conversation in the rock were found in the vein. Some historians speak of prehistory and other, of the medieval time. The opinion more generalized is those of that the mentioned tombs are ilergetas. .
     The urban nuckeus is composed, in general, of wide and irregular streets, which permits give life to many esplanades that now appear converted in squares. For the baptism of the streets it is appealed, usually, to the calendar of saints' days, and so searched the countryside the names of saint Ginés, saint Gregory, saint Michael and the Nativity, for refering to so only a few examples.
     Near whitewashed facades it bounces other of stone and mud walls. The buildings not appear very ancient. In your majority they date from the century XIX and principles of the XX. the ashlar stone is seen for all depart; apparently, it must be used those of the walls, as long as these not offer complines by besieging to the church.
     But already in previous times it existed Albero Alto or Albero Iuso, because since there are documentary news. The lineage of the albero comes of the times of Alphonse I the warrior. Its heraldic arms went a plain cross loaded with vetoes, in golden field.
      Escolástico Ferrer synthesizes so the history of the place: " in 1089 , Sancho Ramírez gives it to Montearagón. Don García of Albero attended the Alfonso II oath as king of Aragon, in the presence of Petronila. In 1192 it wae made the consecration of a dedicated hermitage to saint Michael and erected at the expense of Miguel Rosell (priest), with relics authenticated in a parchment of ten for thirteen centimeters, consecration made by the Richard bishop. Afterwards, a silversmith of Huesca, Buenaventura Salas, did other small coffer-reliquary and it was added other relics of martyrs saints. In 1219 was gentleman of this place Lope de Albero, in your rocky castle, being dispossessed for Rodrigo de Lizana, who took prisoner to his castle to Mr. Lope, freed afterwards by James the conqueror. In 1571, the saint Pious V conceded to the bishop of Huesca and your Episcopal table 230 shields of this church and the tithes to Huesca, until Gregorio XIII returned part of these incomes to Montearagón. In 1600 was mister of this village Don Juan of Torrellas, who sold it to John coast, of Huesca, with 30 houses..."

     It's clear that the ancient hermitage of saint Michael finished by converting in a parochial church. It is a building, at least, the one which has reached to our days, of end of the XVI century, that consists of an aisle of three sections, with starry vault of tiercerons and bended. Of the same way cover the existent chapels in the throw-ins. The bell tower is enough later, astride the XVIII and XIX centuries, since began to build in 1796 and finished in 1802. José Mendoza, that was at that time parish of Albero Alto, presided the inaugural-ceremony. During many years, the temple remained cover of clumsy plasterings, that impeded put it in your time. joust until 1964. in which it is cleaned out the walls and remained in exposition the ashlar stone. For the friends of the small retail it is advisable to know, that on 20th May of the same year, one time it returns the temple to your original purity, proceeded to consecrate the altar table for the general vicar of the Huesca diocese, Ramón Bonet, delegated for the bishop Lino Rodrigo and that the preacher in so solemn occasion went the then canon and parish priest of saint Laurence, of Huesca, Damián Iguacen, after become a bishop, successively, of Barbastro, Teruel and the Laguna (Tenerife).
      Albero venerates zealously the sacred relics conserved from the erection of the primitive hermitage of saint Michael. Always went tradition that responded the neighbour of the next villages to add to the venerating public of the relics, moreoverl when you was to swear in some calamity and implore the shower. Any supplicatory better. So that in thoses special occasions it responded, and still it respond, the near Albero Bajo, Lascasas, Molino Pompenillo, Bellestar, Alcalá del Obispo, Argavieso y Novales.
      It has pleased see reaches to the different peoples, whose witness is announced for the bells. The ceremonial consists in betting a lookout post, the own bell ringer, in the high part of tower, in order that announces with touches of bell the arrival of each people. The parish priest will receive them after, in the door of the church, with spoilt cross and acolytes, and so will reach to the high altar in which is celebrated the venerating public of the relics. To the little time the procession for the streets of the people follows, by singing the litanies of the saints, and when finishing there is says mass and sermon. Finally, before the farewell, it's produced a new veneration of the relics.

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      The hermitage of saint Ginés, the other great devotion of Albero Alto, is of rectangular plant, with aisle divided in two sections, of the XVIII century. It will be made pilgrimage on 9th May. The saint, they justify, got rid of us the "garrapatillo". There is other feasts on 10th September. They are those of the youngs, when the happiness is extended for streets and squares. The feasts are extended during several days. .
      Outside of the urban nucleus, equidistant with Monflorite, raises the castle of Corvine, that went possibly the one which occupied as residence the misters of Albero. at least, the belonging is known to Juan Costa, that received place, for purchase,of Juan de Torrellas. «Corvine, explains Guitart Aparicio, it is an isolated palace, of burdening aspect, stony facade and a square large fortified tower, with base in slope, that might be more high. Behind there is a fence and is it who has more aspect of "manorial" seignorial. Although it can be from XV-XVI centuries, we lack of news until 1655, in which it belonged to Juan Costa, because figures in the minutes of purchase of the near Bellestar. After it went,of the Mancho and of the Otal. being of the the last ones the existent shield. ~Data of F. Balaguer and J. Cardús~. Finally maybe the "Corbinos" occupied for Sancho Ramírez in 1080.

 Fotografías del lugar  Manuel Tomé  Alfonso Zapater
*  Alfonso Zapater
** Manuel Tomé Bosqued

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