Huesca thematic

Number 76. September of 2004. Spanish language  Principal menu

Basílica of S. Lorenzo (Huesca)

Real, Colegial, Parochial
and Basilica of San Lorenzo

     Located in the Square of San Lorenzo, it is work that carried out between years 1608-1723. The facade it is attributed to Miguel Requondo and to José Sofí (century XVIII). Precedent of the present church of San Lorenzo was a Romanesque temple of reduced dimension, extended in century XIV in gothic plan by a new one factory of which they are left some vestiges like the inserted tower in the facade along with large windows and rest of strokes including in the present vestibule; as well as rest of the greater altarpiece on wood, work of Pedro Diaz de Oviedo (at the end of XV century), that are in the Diocesan Museum.
    That primitive temple, was "extra-muros" (out walls) of the city, in the well-known and commercial district of "Alquibla", with a predominantly islamic population, although in centuries XII-XIII, the Christians would arrive to coexist. The king Jaime II was who does to build the building low-medieval to raise the present one.
     The unstoppable increase of faithfuls and the popular fervour by San Lorenzo, conditioned in 1607 demolition of the gothic building, being located netx year the first stone of the present temple. The work was supported in a large manner by the economic and physical support of parishioners.
      Antón Mendizábal, Juan de Labata and Martín Eguereta (1608-1611) carried out the head and presbytery. There were interruptions by economic shortage, but continued the works Juan Martínez (1618-1620) raising the columns and vaults in ships and chapels. Between 1621 and 1623 Lorenzo San Juan worked in the cupola of the cruise that was covered in its interior with tiles. Jusepe Garro ornamented the keystone with a great golden rosette. The work was finalized in 1624 being celebrated the first Mass the day of San Orencio, for the bishop of Auch, brother of San Lorenzo. More than forty years later, were finished all the chapels with its altars and altarpieces. It still had modifications later.
     The church is developed in plant-hall, formed by three ships of the same height divided in four sections, with lateral chapels between abutments. The structure interior is defined by cruciform pillars that indicate different sections covered by vaults, equal that the lateral chapels.

      The great cupola that covers the cruise, constructed in 1723, rests on pechinas and it presides over an interior illuminated by concise bay windowss of average point with stained glass window that contribute a very characteristic atmosphere, of little clarity, that power the solemn effect of the ample structure of the temple.
      The outside of the church, constructed in brick on socle of stone, is developed in three main bodies flanked by pilasters. The central section corresponds to the access, on which the prominent factory of the tower, composed by two notables bodies, the superior one formed by ample windows of average point. The porch of entrance, with similar structure to the lateral ones, it composes in arc of average point with a superior niche dedicated a San Lorenzo.
      The church of San Lorenzo de Huesca shows the following titles:

      - Real, by the donations that, throughout their history, numerous Spanish monarchs granted to it, like Jaime I, Jaime II, Fernando el Católico or Felipe II.
      - Parochial , by being parish of its origin and foundation of the district or population where it was located.
      - Colegial, to occur in it from immemorial time , a School or Chapter of beneficiaries.

      - Basilica, when was granting to it such title the Leon XIII Pope in 1884, as the tablet placed in the vestibule remembers.
      - and Added to the one of San Juán de Letrán (ROME) from century XIII.


* Brothers White de la Cruz of Huesca
** "Huesca, Guide of architecture", by L. Yneva Toils

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