Huesca temática

Number 87. August of 2005Spanish language Principal menu


Very Noble,...
and Very Antigua village.

      It is a judicial administrative area of Barbastro, in the district of the Exterior Oriental Mountain Chains of Pyrenee, with 299,8 km2. of extension and 3.300 inhabitants in 1996 (3.689 in 1950). It is located in the valley of the Ésera river to 469 m. of height and to 83 km. from Huesca (50 from Barbastro). It belongs to the district of the Ribagorza. The gentile name is grausino.
      You shall arrive by the congosto (narrow pass) of Olvena, through a series of tunnels holed in the stone, to reach the reservoir of Barasona. Graus is an important nucleus of communications that closes the valleys of the Ésera and of the Isábena, at the same time that it is a forced step for going to Roda de Isábena or Benasque. Graus settles in the conjunction of San Martin's Grustón and San Pedro mountains, and those of Benabarre, Castle de Laguarrés and Arriba.
      The district of Graus is a very old village like the caves of Olvena attest it, that are housed in impressive narrow passes, and where have been found remains of the Age of the Brass, seven Celtiberian tombs belonging to an old town and Roman and paleo-Christians ruins. This population is possibly of Muslim foundation, although it doesn't lack who locates it in Roman time. After finding the death Ramiro I in his conquest intent, the king Sancho Ramírez, in the year 1803, was who crushed it. Graus possesses the titles of Very Noble and Very Antigua.
     The urban area was declared historical-artistic group, since it possesses structures of great interest, coming from the XVI century; it highlights the biggest square with the Council House next to other buildings with pictorial mural decoration of neoclassical flavor. In the very popular and old Barrichós, there are ancestral houses, as that of the Mur or that of the Solanas, (of the XVI century) that have worked in stone and elegant shields. In the square of Coreche, already in the end of this neighborhood, there's the door of the old enclosure walled that dates of 1589. Of the urban group, highlight: the Peña del Morral with the Basilica of Our Mrs. of the Peña -that unites the old part- and the Barrichós arisen as expansion of the castle and citadel to outside. Someone sustains that the capital of the Ribagorza is a town-streat with three doors: Chinchín, Linés and Baron.
      From Romanesque times is the San Miguel's parochial church, remodeled in the XIV century (a short ship of crossed vaults), and the XVII and XVIII centuries, altering their aspect. Its interior possesses seven interesting charts of Gothic painting of the second half of the XV century.

Also preserve the crucifix donated by San Vicente Ferrer in the year 1415. It originally is a romanesque construction.
      The basilica of the Virgin of the Peña (covered under the rock of the Morral), dominates the group of the village. In the work that was begun in 1538, highlights the beautiful Renaissance cover under an arch of half point, framed by two grooved columns with capitals and shields from the Village to the sides, and a profuse ornamentation. Everything it under a portico of cross vault, uniting the basilica with the small chapel of San Juán de Letrán.
      Worthy of mention: they are the remains of the old hostelry and the clergymen's dependences, with an amusing gallery that offers a wide panoramic of the urban area.
      The biggest parties are from the 12 to 15 of September, with the song of the doorknockers (Muslim origin). There are other smaller parties and mainly an important truffle market, to which people go of beyond the Pyrenees and the whole Spain. They also take place several fairs during the year that have an antiquity of several centuries.
      In 1992, to promote the "Longaniza de Graus",(Graus spicy pork sausage) the Association of Makers of Sausage, organized the First Edition of the Party of the Trade and of the Sausage that later would pass to be denominated Party of the Sausage. The 27 of Julio of 1996 to the Fifth edition of the Party of the Sausage, was included a novelty and an ambition: to get the Guinness record.
  An old door in the urban area
     The proportions of that enormous challenge were: grill of 25 square meters loaded with more than 1.100 Kgrs. of meat stuffed in 900 meters of natural gut. The bigger barbecue of sausage in the world that shows the record Guinness from 1997.


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* Manuel Tomé Bosqued (Several sources)

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